Mob psycho 100 episode 6 review !
this weeks episode ..... we start the episode with the hilarious reigen performing his ridiculous sames on another customer XD the whole beginning of the episode is full of laughter straight away , although reigen loves to fool people , has no special powers , and is overall an idiot , you cannot help but love him XDD

we then move on to mob consulting reigen about the fight he had with teru , wondering if it was all self - defence , reigen assures mob that his powers can help people from time to time and to not worry about it. mob really looks up to reigen that its truly amazing , although he tricks mob into thinking that he's some powerful esper , he genuinely gives mob the best advice , like the mentor he is.

mobs fight with teru , turned into a rumour that spreaded everywhere , not only do the delinquents want to recruit him as their shadow leader , even the newspaper club wants to get an insight on the possible fact that there are other espers like mob.

mob's senpai listens into mobs conversations , and is shocked to hear that there are others like mob , this peaks her interests , so she invites mob out onto a date to look for other espers. of course mob doesn't refuse. xDD

we get an insight if the litter brother ritsu , he is invited to join a research faclity that researches espers, but he in confused for his older brother mob. watching ritsu yearn for supernatural powers makes me want him to have some T^T.

on the date , mob points out a stange hairstyle and proves to everyone , despite how strong you may be in anime.... theres always gonna be that one anime girl that will beat yo a** XDD a few scenes later mob spots an adult esper with a sickening aura. this is the same hooded guy from the opening , a possible fight in the future is closing in.

ritsu enters the research facility which is when he was later introduced to 5 espers ... who are extremely weak , but have somewhat kinda useful powers ?

after all the frustration building up , ritsu decides to listen to the messed up student president's idea of framing the delinquent for something he didn't do. he certainly has fallen lower than the lowest :\

ritsu relasies how much of an a** he was and decides to go to the research facity and tell them that he has no powers , after throwing a metal spoon.
walking on the way home he bumps into reigen , where reigen asks if he wants to help out , reigen is confused when ritsu explains that he has no powers, ritsu asks him that if he really is an esper he should do it himself.

the research facilty kid laughts at the pitiful way ritsu left , and exclaims that he has no potential at all , to where the owner has a humongous grin , when he see's that the spoon ritsu threw is now all twisted and mangled , i kinda saw this coming , i mean he IS mobs litter brother XD

ritsu returns home to spot some green blob at his gate , his psychic powers have awakened !!!! and ... OH MY GOSH IT'S DIMMPPLLEEEEE !!! damn these cliffhangers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T

overall i rate this episode 8/10 !! as always art is beautiful but cliffhangers ... ALWAYS deduct points XD