Re : zero episode 19 review !
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This weeks episode starts off with subaru making a deal to crusch , on the condition that they make an alliance with emilia , i still ship rem and subaru and i'm not even sorry XD , in exchange he will provide the location and time and the white whales next appearance , this deal will be very tempting to crusch as the white whale is her armies arch enemy.

the episode then moves on to the beautiful second opening of the season, me personally enjoyed the first opening more than the second .. in the next scene subaru is seen with rem where he explains that the witch's cult is after emilia, this is not a surprise to rem as roswaal had already seen it coming XDsubaru wishes to stop them at any costs, well mate maybe after 10 more return deaths you'll get somewhere XD but unfortunately he is not strong enough to take them on , i wouldn't have guessed XD but this is on his own that is , so he needs to negotiate with other people to improve his chances of winning in an assault .
afterwards we are back to the discussion room where subaru mentions that he will make another offer of handing over the magic stones found in roswaals domain, knowing that he has the upper hand ,subaru then continues to convince crusch that what he's offering is a fair deal ,which will aid crusch's army in defeating the white whale.

he explains that his phone tells him the exact time the white whale will arrive and even offers her the device in return for her support. crusch then tells subaru not to get ahead of himself and that she has yet to decide. this is when anastasia and russell make their appearance. subaru continues to negotiate as he explain that the magic stones will all be shared equally amongst the parties.

after realising that subaru is indeed being truthful in everything he says , crusch then decides to form an alliance and accepts subarus offer , all parties are happy with that decisions.
the next scene shows everyone preparing for the attack on the white whale in the night , subaru is talking to felix and explains the location of the white whale ,where felix explains that they'll just make in time.

it is explained that old man wil's wife was the previous master swordsman and a victim of the white whale ,and that he was most eager in the attack they were planning. felix explains that subaru should stop worrying and get some rest, since theres nothing he can do, where subaru then shouts that he didn't have to say that.
morning comes and subaru is then going to decide which dragon he will be riding when the battle comes. he then finds the previous dragon he saw when he was with emilia and has an immediate connection. which shocks those around him as that dragon seems to have a lot of pride.

when everyone gathers into the hall , subaru explains to crusch that he will be the bait when the attack on the white whale is happening , this is because he has a tendency to attract manbeasts ,because of the witch's smell on him. after crusch makes a heartwarming speech to the crowd they all set off on the journey.

after talking with others on the way to the location that subaru exclaimed where the white whale will show up. he has a cute discussions with rem which almost led him to tears. subaru then talks to old man wil who stares up at the sky , he mentions his wife and asks if he really intends to take revenge on her. which he asks subaru to forget. he then talks about his life story. subaru then makes a man to man promise that they will beat the white whale. after sitting and waiting for the white whale in suspense the whale appears in front of the moon to wear subaru charges with rem alongside cruschs and Anastasia's army.

overall i rate this episode 7/10 , i took 3 points off because i was falling asleep because there were no blodd or guts or even an epic fight this episode XDD and that cliffhanger at the end ..
tell me your thoughts on this episode !