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Mob Psycho 100 episode 5 review !


we all knew it was coming , an epic fight between two powerful espers , the hype was on a new level ! but for those who haven't read the manga this episode took an unexpected turn , , oh wow , you know when you know that an epic fight is gonna happen, i never expected for THIS to happen XD but before we get to that lets start off with a basic summary !

the episode starts off with teru looking extremely shocked by mob as a continuation from the last episode, from the way he moves backwards we can tell that he is somewhat fearful from the knowledge that theres another esper, (natural as he calls them), like him. however he seems to calm down before powering up to the point that the ground around him is destroyed.. the similarities between teru and sonic (from one punch man) personalities is soooo similar XDD anyhow this somehow causes mobs explosion percentage to rise from 45% to 47% , the fact it rose only 2% probably means that mob was hardly disturbed by teru's threat during the power raise , it was most likely due to his confusion to why teru's attacking him, that his emotions rose.

we then head on to the mob psychos opening , which is awesome as always but there was a slight change in the opening , around 1:40 - 1:41 we see a hooded person walking closer from further away , unlike the previous openings , from this we get a glimpse of what mob is expected to be challenged by next.

after the opening , we get a birds eye view of the battle , mob is warned by dimple to be careful , but before he could finish teru attacks mob , thought i was watching some dbz when this happened XD after the surprise attack on mob , mob was unharmed to where he casually replies to dimple, and questions teru why they have to fight and can't they be friends, though an on guard teru jumps away and seems to be using teleportation ,which then mob explains that teru is using telekinesis.

dimples tries to convince mob to fight teru but the reluctant teen refuses to , whilst being attacked by teru he reminisces the words from reigen his master , and explains why he won't use his powers. an annoyed teru decides to up one on mob as goes all out attacking him trying to drill it into mobs head that normal hobbies should be left to the normal people. not able to watch mob be beat up anymore dimple decides to face teru which takes for an unfortunate as teru erases him. not gonna lie , i was pretty upset when dimple got erased , i was like NOOOOOOOOO ... okay.

after seeing dimple get erased mob's explosion percentage rises to 50% , after thinking about dimples time with him , he later says how he isn't bothered by it at all. BUT after hearing constant insults mob remember how dimple always cheered him up by encouraging him to do his best , this leads to mob looking somewhat even more emotionless at teru. after being told that dimple was a much better person than teru , he feels as if he was being looked down upon which is not surprising from mobs point of view. so teru once again attacks mob with all his power.

he later demands that mob shows him his powers , when mob refused he resorted to attacking him more in hope that it will anger mob into fighting. when in the home ec room teru points knives at mob , though with no intention to kill him , this somewhat causes mob to throw the knives back at teru causing teru to lose the top of his head , which then follows with a comedic joke of him looking like an ochimusa.

after exploding in a rage of anger he exclaims that he will never forgive mob , and turns his freaking tie into a sword which was so awesome XD , this leads to constant attacks which makes mob realise that they are both the same, psychics and ... losers, makes me sad to hear that because i would LOVE to be mobs friend!!

that only angers teru more as he full on stomps forward to strangle mob without using his powers , i think he didn't use his powers because , he wanted to prove that he's not strong only because of them. furthermore teru demanded that mob uses his psychic powers , as this is happening mob can feel his emotions rising as the percentage is getting higher and higher , in a desperation to stop teru he lightly taps his face with his fist ,not on;y did I start tearing up but this saddens teru more than it does anger him , we then get a glimpse of mobs childhood and when to why he's so traumatised to using powers on others. it is revealed that he almost killed his brother and 3 other people after being knocked unconscious. as a result to remembering the incident mob blacks out , and the percentage is erased at 92%.

after mobs drops to the ground terus exclaims "don't leave me behind" this may mean that teru fears being the only esper, we are then taken to the narrator explaining the conclusion of the fight .. or so it seems... thinking that the fight is over he walks away but .... mob stands up... or at least something does.. after attacking teru , teru laughs thinking that mob broke his ideals , and attacked another person ,but stops when he realises that mob is actually unconscious and whats standing before him is an unknown being that should've not been awakened.

after throwing the petrified teru along with the school into the sky , teru finally understands that he's not the best and that he without strength is just a normal teenager. this makes me happy to see this side of teru , thiugh seriously the guy has NOOOO balls ... no pun intended XD

when mob is returned to normal and realises what he has done , the percentage begins to rise again , after realising that he once again went berserk and lost to himself , and the thought that this will always happen , mob was being over whelmed by another emotion .. sadness.

once calming down mob then puts the school back together , erasing any signs of damage or that a fight even happened , a but naked teru comes to mob and explains that he finally understands , during that time the deliquents ran away after seeing teru's head XDD that made me chuckle after almost crying for mob XDD mob also apologises for destroying his clothes xD later mobs club leaders wake up asking if mob was okay , which he replies to as yes. teru looks up as he admits defeat , i guess this is what makes sonic and teru slightly different XD mob later searches for 3 hours for dimple but was unsuccessful. when at home at night , his younger brother ritsu comes in his room to give him a towel, mob apologises about the incident when they were kids , including throwing up in his coat XDD but when mob meant that he wanted to know what he did to ritsu , ritsu plays dumb and lies saying that mob protected him. ritsu then watches the news and reminisces that night , he later exclaims that the mob from that night wasn't his brother ...

what an amazing ending to an amazing episode! overall i would rate this episode 9/10 , i took 1 point off because of the cliffhanger XD

tell me your thoughts on this episode !

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